Transition to High School
Swallow graduates attend Arrowhead Union High School (AHS) for high school. Throughout the school year as information is received from AHS relating to the 8th to 9th grade transition including important parent meetings, student orientation, scheduling information, and any programmatic changes, this page will be updated.
The information below is for the 8th grade class of 2023.
The transition to high school is an exciting next chapter for students and families and we want to let you know what that transition process looks like both here at Swallow and at Arrowhead, as well as important dates and events to add to your calendar. There is also information relevant for children planning to attend a different high school.
School |
Date |
Description |
Swallow School | November 28, 2023 | Pre-ACT - All 7th and 8th graders will take the Pre-ACT test during the school day. The Pre-ACT test assesses student readiness in English, math, reading, science, and writing. Along with subject area scores, there are reporting categories based on the ACT College and Career Readiness Standards to provided additional perspectives on student readiness. Results will be provided when they become available in January. *New this year! This assessment will ALSO be used by Arrowhead as a part of the Informed Choice process for selecting Honors or Advanced Placement classes for freshman year. Swallow 8th graders will therefore not have to take this assessment offered at Arrowhead on a weekend in December. |
Arrowhead High School with Families Review of Information |
Review Making an Informed Choice Course Description guide: This resource will provide families a background on course options for freshman at AHS in the core content areas. Consider reviewing your child’s Pre-ACT 8/9 results from 7th grade provided last January as a starting point, and know that results from this year's assessment will arrive in time for final decisions in January. |
Arrowhead High School |
BY December 1
Complete Arrowhead's NEW Student Online Enrollment Process from November 4-December 1. Please see THIS letter from Arrowhead with more information. |
Swallow | January 10, 2023 at 6pm | ASPIRE Night for Families: Swallow administration and guidance staff will present an overview of how to interpret your child's Pre-ACT results and how they relate to the high school course selection process and future planning. An email to 7th and 8th grade parents with more information will be sent once results are received and a date can be sent. |
Arrowhead High School with Swallow Support | early January | Math Placement/AHS Algebra Assessment will be given to students at Swallow, depending on current math course enrollment, as part of Arrowhead's requirement for math course selection. This is the first semester assessment which is the basis for initial course selection completed later in the month. More information will be provided to families in early January. |
Arrowhead High School with Swallow Support |
January 17, 2024 |
Freshman Orientation at South Campus: More information in this will be shared in upcoming communications directly from Arrowhead to 8th grade families. Save the date! |
Arrowhead High School with Swallow Support | By February 10, 2022 | Course Registration Required: AHS Course Selection/Registration Process. Students will be selecting their courses for next year with support from AHS and Swallow guidance counselors. |
Arrowhead High School with Swallow Support | March | World Language Placement Tests will be given at Swallow for those wishing to continue with Spanish. |
Arrowhead High School with Swallow Support | Week of May 1 | Math Placement/AHS Algebra Assessment will be given to students at Swallow, depending on current math course enrollment, to confirm AHS math placement for next year. This is the second semester assessment which is used to confirm selected math course for next year. More information will be provided in the spring. |
Swallow |
Spring--Ongoing |
Please check the Thursday Folder and direct emails to 8th graders and families about upcoming graduation information and how to request the transfer of student records if your child will not be attending AHS. |
Please contact Jackie Hagenow (Guidance Counselor) at or Anton Shircel (Assistant Principal/Curriculum Coordinator) at with any questions you have as they work closely with Arrowhead on the 8th grade transition process.