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Assessment Information

The Swallow School Mission statement expresses a commitment to providing each student with the personalized learning experiences that will ensure success in life.

Together we will inspire each other to achieve excellence as self-directed, problem-solving, responsible, lifelong learners.

A strategy associated with this goal is:
We will design and deliver curriculum and instruction based on a review of student data and ongoing assessment that reflects current research and best practice in order to meet the needs of all students.

Over the past several years, school staff have participated in reviewing state, national and international standards and learning benchmarks as well as Swallow student assessment data to inform District curriculum and learning targets.  At the classroom level, the curriculum is the basis for instructional design, coupled with ongoing student assessment data--both on staff created assessments as well as data from other state or nationally normed assessments.   

Below is a list of the various assessments used at the District level to inform curricular development and the timelines associated with their administration: 

Grade Level Assessment  Dates of Administration Results Provided to Families
 4K-8th STAR Reading & Math    September, January and May     Parent Teacher Conferences
 2nd & 5th CoGat  November-varied  January, or upon return from company
 7th & 8th Pre-ACT 8/9  November 28, 2024  By mid-January at ASPIRE Night for Families  
 3-8th Forward Exam  April 2-19, 2024  Late August 2024 when received from State