Enrollment and Registration
At Swallow School we strive to be a destination of choice for families in search of a school home. Whether you are relocating to the area or thinking about open enrolling to our school, the information in this section is meant to assist you in learning more about our school and how to become a Swallow student.
If you are already a Swallow family, look for an email August 1 with all necessary links to complete the annual registration process.
1. Verify your home is within the Swallow School District boundaries by looking up the address on the Waukesha County Tax Listing.
2. To begin the registration process, click HERE for the Online Registration process. In addition to this online system, complete the New Family Additional Questions Form for each child and a Registration Form and send them to district@swallowschool.org. A general overview of Registration information can be found HERE.
3. If you wish, you may schedule a tour of the school. Please email district@swallowschool.org or call 262-367-2000 x124 to make an appointment.
4. On or before your first day of school, you will need to provide:
a. A birth certificate for each attending child.
b. Proof of residency within the Swallow School District in the form of either:
1. New Construction – occupancy permit
2. Remodeling to an Existing Structure – occupancy permit
3. Existing House – Closing Statement, or
4. Rental – Lease Agreement
c. A Record Request Form for each attending child.
d. A family Fees Form and Payment or a free and reduced lunch application.
e. Read and review the Acceptable Use Policy with your child(ren).
We also encourage you to review the information and documents provided on the Parents tab of this website. Student drop off and pick up information, including a parking lot flow map, is HERE. Helpful Swallow School Definitions created in partnership with the Swallow Education Foundation is HERE.
If you are not a resident of the school district and would like your child to attend Swallow School, you may apply through the Open Enrollment program. Click here for more information on Open Enrollment.
If you are building a new home or are waiting to move into a home you just purchased and would like your child to attend Swallow School now, please click here for more information on tuition.
For additional information, questions, or to submit paperwork, please contact Nancy Hazelberg at 262-367-2000 x124 or via email at district@swallowschool.org. We look forward to meeting you soon!
4K and Kindergarten resident registration takes place each spring for the following fall; however, families are encouraged to submit enrollment forms as soon as possible to notify the school of your intention to enroll.